Section: Research Program

Verification of Embedded Systems Properties

Since last decade, we have witnessed rapid development in embedded system domain. More and more state-of-the-art embedded systems adopt the heterogeneous multi-processor platform rather than the platform with single core. To achieve better quality and performance, the design paradigm shift from simple control system to complex heterogeneous Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is gaining more interests. Increasing complexity coupled with time-to-market pressure create a critical need to validate heterogeneous embedded system designs. The functional validation is thus widely acknowledged as a major bottleneck in embedded system design. To guarantee the reliability of heterogeneous embedded systems, up to 70% of the overall design time and resources are spent on functional validation.

From the verification point of view, the major objective of this project is to reduce the overall validation efforts in the top-down design flow of embedded system design using the high-level specifications. In this project, we plan to address the following three major problems:

  • Formal modeling of high-level specifications. We want to investigate how to model heterogeneous systems with multiple models of computation (MoC) and how to extract the formal models from system-level specifications to enable automated analysis.

  • Efficient validation of system-level specifications with minimum effort. The idea here is to investigate the automated directed test generation from high-level specification validation and explore various approaches and techniques to further reduce the directed test generation time (eliminate redudant tests).

  • Consistency checking between different abstraction layers. We also want to explore the possibility of reusing high-level validation efforts for low-level implementation validation as well as to check the consistency between different abstraction layers.

In conclusion, this project targets to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of functional validation of heterogeneous embedded systems. We believe that our approaches can not only enhance the reliability of heterogeneous embedded systems, but also reduce the time-to-market.